Alaska's Beauty: Overloved or Overwhelmed? Residents Share Their Concerns | World Briefings
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Alaska's Beauty: Overloved or Overwhelmed? Residents Share Their Concerns

10 September, 2024 - 12:02AM
Alaska's Beauty: Overloved or Overwhelmed? Residents Share Their Concerns

I am frustrated. I love Alaska and all the fresh air, fishing, hiking, and berry picking we get to do. But my community has become loved too much. We invited visitors and businesses to come and see and experience our natural beauty but there are so many of them that after decades and millions of people each year, our town and state have been negatively impacted.

Now we are being told by leaders and the industry that if we try to manage our visitors, our town and region will suffer economically. Some of us are suffering from the noise of helicopters, polluted air and commercial activities on trails and residential areas. What can I do to help my city to not be loved to death?

On one hand Cat feels your pain, one of my least favorite things is unwanted humans crowding my sunspot or unwelcome noise interrupting my naps. On the other paw, Cat is afraid there isn’t much to be done about an “over loved” community. If it’s any consolation, Cat sees quite a few unlovable things about the city of Anchorage. The beauty of Alaska is that we have no shortage of space. If you need wide open spaces and solitude, Alaska can certainly provide it. With the modern conveniences of a city come the modern pitfalls as well. You may have to ask yourself what you value most and what you can tolerate.

As the years pass, Cat suspects this state will continue to become more populated and urbanized. Purrhaps what you are really suffering from here is the inability to adapt. You can still participate in all the activities you mentioned in your letter, but you may have to get a bit further out of town to experience them in the serenity you’ve become accustomed to.

Does it feel like the end times? With the unhoused, addiction problems, shootings, and politically unhinged people I’m concerned for humanity. Will we recover as a society?

As the leaves start to turn and autumn is upon us, Cat reminds you that there are also seasons when it comes to politics, culture, and the economy. While things are indeed a bit chaotic, Cat suggests not jumping to apocalyptic conclusions just yet. This country has historically seen its ups and downs. In the same way I occasionally knock things off a shelf to test my human’s patience and adaptability, the state of our union also requires these elements. Hopefully the humans will choose to invest in solutions instead of swatting at symptoms.

Cat believes that no other creature on this planet has a flare for drama quite like human politicians, try to remember that even in times of great unhinged chaos, there are always those that seek reconciliation and progress. The good news is that you get to choose how you participate in such activities. While this can all be incredibly stressful, try to remember that as a cat always lands on its feet, humans tend to be extremely resilient. Does Cat think the collective will ultimately recover? Probably. It will take more than wishful thinking and require action on the part of those able to see the potential.

If a black cat crosses paths with another black cat, what happens?

In the grand cosmic scale, this meeting in a non-event. But on a smaller, fluffier scale, it’s a reminder that our universe is full of mysteries. This cat believes that when one black cat crosses paths with another black cat, you have a purrfect collision of feline elegance. As two dark matter particles in the universe interact with cosmic aloofness, so too will their feline counterparts.

Cat is no physicist, but according to Google, my imagination, and the principles of quantum mechanics that I have zero expertise in, I feel more than qualified to speak on this. Our hypothetical interaction could result in a superposition of cats wherein both felines are simultaneous loafing, skittering, and ignoring each other with masterful indifference. Regardless of the damage I’ve just done to scientific truth in my explanation, I suspect your hypothetical event would not, in fact, be cat-astrophic.

Finding Solutions

Unless you are trying to open a can of tuna without opposable thumbs, Cat suspects there is an attitude adjustment or meaningful action that can be taken to improve one’s situation. Be the first to knock a glass of water off a counter, then watch the ripple effect. 🐾

Featured Feline

Pat is slow to trust but loves a good scratch behind the ears. She is available for adoption through and would love a quiet home where she can rest her furry head.

Alaska's Beauty: Overloved or Overwhelmed? Residents Share Their Concerns
Alaska's Beauty: Overloved or Overwhelmed? Residents Share Their Concerns
Cat Alaska Tourism overtourism environment community
Luca Rossi
Luca Rossi

Environmental Reporter

Reporting on environmental issues and sustainability.