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Chinese Man Dies After Having 23 Teeth Extracted and 12 Implants in a Single Day: A Shocking Case Raises Concerns About Dental Procedure Safety

13 September, 2024 - 12:56AM
Chinese Man Dies After Having 23 Teeth Extracted and 12 Implants in a Single Day: A Shocking Case Raises Concerns About Dental Procedure Safety

A recent case in eastern China has raised concerns about dental procedure safety. According to the South China Morning Post, a man surnamed Huang, underwent an extensive dental procedure on August 14 at Yongkang Deway Dental Hospital in Jinhua, Zhejiang province. The procedure involved extracting 23 teeth and inserting 12 implants in a single day using the "immediate restoration" method. Two weeks later, he suffered a sudden heart attack and died on August 28. The case was brought to light through an online post by his daughter Shu on September 2. 

Huang revealed that her father, whose age has not been disclosed, experienced persistent pain following the treatment. ''I never thought my dad would pass so quickly. He did not even get the chance to drive the new car we bought him,'' stated his daughter.

In response to the incident, an official from the Yongkang Municipal Health Bureau stated on September 3 that the cause of death is still being investigated, citing the 13-day gap between the dental procedure and the man's death. 

Three days later, a clinic staff member told SCMP ''We will not be responding to this matter now as it has been handed over to our lawyer. If there are any updates, we will issue a statement; however, the investigation is ongoing.''

According to Xiang Guolin, director of the Dental Medicine Centre at the Hospital of Universal Love in Wuhan, there are no established official guidelines for the maximum number of teeth that can be extracted in a single procedure. However, in general practice, the limit is typically considered to be around 10 teeth. 

''Extracting 23 teeth is quite a lot. It requires a clinic and dentist with sufficient qualifications and experience. It's also essential to consider the patient's physical capacity to handle such an extensive procedure,'' he said.

Many social media users expressed shock and disbelief upon learning about the case. One person questioned the decision to extract 23 teeth in a single day, sharing their own experience of being refused by a dentist when requesting the removal of two wisdom teeth simultaneously. 

Another user wrote, ''I'm a dentist, and I never extract more than three teeth at one time unless they're very loose. The doctor must have lost his mind. It sounds more like a human experiment than a dental procedure.''

The Surgery and Subsequent Death

The man, identified only by his surname Huang from Zhejiang Province, went in for the procedure on 14 August at the Yongkang Dewei Dental Hospital. The surgery involved 23 teeth being extracted and 12 being implanted on the same day. 

Thirteen days later, he died from a cardiac arrest, according to a social media post by his daughter, surnamed Shu, reported the South China Morning Post. “I didn’t expect that my dad would pass away so fast and I didn't even have time to drive the new car I bought him,” his daughter wrote. She said Mr Huang suffered constant severe pain in his teeth after the surgery, which is also known as “immediate restoration”.

Investigation and Medical Protocol

The Yongkang Municipal Health Bureau said it was investigating the case due to the nature of the surgery followed by Mr Huang’s death days after, according to local news reports. “Since there was a 13-day gap between the procedure and Huang’s death, we are still investigating the cause,” the bureau said.

Staff at the Dewei hospital told local news agencies that in a surgery like this, the doctor decided how many teeth can be extracted in one go after an in-person consultation with the patient and after a close study of the patient’s medical history. The staff explained that in the case of front teeth, they can be extracted and implanted the same day with no risk, but back teeth require at least three to four months of recovery between the extraction and implantation process.

Mr Huang’s consent form for the surgery allegedly showed that his molars were implanted on the same day they were extracted, which went against usual medical protocol.

Expert Opinions and Concerns

Public records accessed by local media show that the dentist who performed the surgery has five years of experience and specialises in root canals, impacted wisdom tooth removal, and full dentures. The SCMP quoted a clinic staff member as saying: “We will not be responding to this matter now as it has been handed over to our lawyer. If there are any updates, we will issue a statement; however, the investigation is ongoing.”

Xiang Guolin, head of the Dental Center at Wuhan Fourth Hospital, told Jimu news that it was unusual for a single surgery to extract 23 in one procedure when the norm is to do no more than 10-12. He added that the procedure requires a clinic and dentist with sufficient qualifications and experience. It's also essential to consider the patient's physical capacity to handle such an extensive procedure. 

A Shocking Case

The case has sparked widespread discussion and debate online, with many expressing concern about the safety of dental procedures in China. Some have questioned the decision to extract 23 teeth in a single day, while others have argued that the dentist should have been more cautious in assessing the patient's health and ability to withstand such a major procedure.

The investigation into the case is ongoing, and it remains to be seen what conclusions will be reached. However, this case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of careful planning and consideration before undergoing any major medical procedure, especially when it comes to procedures that can have a significant impact on the body's overall health and well-being.

A Call for Transparency and Accountability

This tragic incident highlights the need for increased transparency and accountability in the healthcare system, both in China and around the world. Patients deserve to be fully informed about the risks and benefits of any procedure they are considering, and they should be able to trust that their healthcare providers are acting in their best interests. The investigation into Mr. Huang's death should be thorough and transparent, and any findings should be made public. The results of this investigation could have a significant impact on the way dental procedures are performed in China, and they could also serve as a valuable lesson for healthcare providers around the world.

The case of Mr. Huang’s death is a reminder of the importance of patient safety and the need for healthcare providers to be vigilant in their practices. It also underscores the need for patients to be informed and empowered when it comes to their own health and well-being. By learning from this tragic event, we can work to ensure that such incidents do not happen again.

Chinese Man Dies After Having 23 Teeth Extracted and 12 Implants in a Single Day: A Shocking Case Raises Concerns About Dental Procedure Safety
Chinese Man Dies After Having 23 Teeth Extracted and 12 Implants in a Single Day: A Shocking Case Raises Concerns About Dental Procedure Safety
Dental extraction Heart attack Implant Dentistry Cardiac arrest dental procedure death China heart attack implants
Mia Johnson
Mia Johnson

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