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Downing Street Officials Draw Up Plans for the Death of Larry the Cat

25 August, 2024 - 12:23PM
Downing Street Officials Draw Up Plans for the Death of Larry the Cat

Senior British officials employed in the Prime Minister’s office at 10 Downing Street, during the past year, made a communication plan to release the news of the death of Larry the cat, a pet in the British Prime Minister’s residence.

The document for Larry the cat is known under the code name “Larry’s Bridges”, a poignant reference to the code names of the detailed preparations for public announcements of the deaths of senior members of the royal family, reports the Times of London.

The planning for the death of Queen Elizabeth II was known by the code name Operation London Bridge, while the plans to announce the death of King Charles are called Operation Menay Bridge, after the suspension bridge built in 1826 over the Menay Strait in Wales.

Like a monarch from the world of pets, Larry was a long-term resident of the Palace of Westminster, and was brought to Downing Street during the tenure of Prime Minister David Cameron and declared then “in charge of mice”.

Larry the cat stayed in Downing Street after Prime Minister Cameron and his family moved out, and since then he has been permanently staying in the Prime Minister’s residence, although many British Prime Ministers – Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak – had to leave it.

An unnamed Times source confirmed that the “Larry Bridges” plan was designed to “announce his death to the world.”

“We felt that this matter had to be handled delicately,” a source told the London daily, B92 reports.

Downing Street officials are reportedly planning how to announce the eventual passing of Larry, the No 10 chief mouser.

The 17-year-old tabby, while currently healthy, is in his twilight years.

Larry has become a fixture of Downing Street, known for his patrols of the grounds and occasional confrontations with local wildlife. His encounters with Palmerston, the Foreign Office cat, have often made headlines.

He has become a popular figure for his prowls around Downing Street, whether seeing off foxes or sparring with his foreign office counterpart Palmerston. 

He has also outlasted five prime ministers and famously refused Liz Truss the chance to stroke him. 

But although Larry can count himself among the more popular residents of the street in recent years his demise will happen at some point and officials are now preparing.

In a similar manner to how insiders had a code for when the Queen passed away, there is set to be an official way that the cat’s death will be broken to the nation.

According to The Times, officials will say “Larry bridges” when the cat passes - a reference to ‘London Bridge is falling down’,  the code for when Elizabeth II died. 

Larry was bought from Battersea Cats Home in 2011, originally as a pet for the children of the then prime minister David Cameron. 

But the chief mouser has long outlasted the Conservative PM and all of his Tory successors, including Rishi Sunak, Theresa May and Boris Johnson. 

His duties have extended beyond chasing away rodents as well, being filmed taking on a fox in 2022 and coming out on the winning side. 

“Larry has been in residence since 15 February 2011, he is the first cat at Number 10 to be bestowed with the official title Chief Mouser,” the Cabinet Office website says.

“Larry was recruited from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home on recommendation for his mousing skills. He joined the Number 10 household and has made a significant impact.”

It adds: “He has captured the hearts of the Great British public and the press teams often camped outside the front door. In turn the nation sends him gifts and treats daily.

“Larry spends his days greeting guests to the house, inspecting security defences and testing antique furniture for napping quality. 

“His day-to-day responsibilities also include contemplating a solution to the mouse occupancy of the house. Larry says this is still ‘in the tactical planning stage’.” 

Larry's Legacy: A Cat With More Than Nine Lives

Downing Street officials have drawn up plans for when 'chief mouser' Larry the Cat finally runs out of his nine lives. Codenamed 'Larry Bridges', a nod to bridge operations for the death of prominent royals, preparations have been quietly put in place for when the 17-year-old passes away.

Larry has been the one constant resident at Number 10, amid the recent revolving door of prime ministers and chancellors. In his time as 'chief mouser' Larry has seen six prime ministers come and go, from David Cameron to current occupant Sir Keir Starmer. 

He arrived at the famous address after being taken in from Battersea Cats and Dogs Home back in 2011 as a pet for Mr Cameron's children. But he has since outlasted the tenures of Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, before welcoming the current Labour government. 

Officials have now ironed out details as to how to break the news to the nation when the sad moment arrives, the Times reported. Queen Elizabeth II's funeral plans were codenamed Operation London Bridge, while the plans for the King's death are known as Operation Menai Bridge, after the eponymous strait in Wales.

Larry's official role is described as 'inspecting security defences and testing antique furniture for napping quality', as well as 'contemplating a solution to the mouse occupancy of the house'. 

The tabby cat's record-breaking tenure as 'chief mouser' was confirmed when he beat Peter III, who lived at Downing Street from 1947 until 1964. 

Larry's Feuds and Friendships: A Life of Contrasts

No stranger to the odd tussle, Larry has had testy relationships with other Government cats - including a long-standing four-year feud with his former nemesis, the Foreign Office's Chief Mouser Palmerston, who retired from his post in 2019. 

Police also had to break up a fight between Larry and then chancellor George Osborne's cat Freya. 

Not shy with his attitude towards politicians, the famous feline also gave short-lived prime minister Liz Truss the cold shoulder while the former leader was introducing him to her Danish counterpart Mette Frederiksen.

Since Sir Keir entered the black door, Larry has been joined by the Labour leader's rescue cat JoJo. 

The Prime Minister has spoken of his fondness for JoJo, who his family got from a rescue centre, even joking that the cat 'is treated with far more respect in our household than I am'.

He said: 'When I walk through the door I have to put the baggage of being leader of the Labour Party down, I'm Dad and I'm fair game for the kids to ridicule me, laugh at me. But JoJo, on the other hand, if JoJo wants food, or a seat on the settee, or to sit on the kid's bed he's got pride of place.'

The Last Purr: A Final Farewell to Larry

Responding online to speculation about his funeral plans, Larry's parody account, which has over 800,000 followers, suggested he would like to be stuffed and placed above a fireplace at No 10 as a reminder to future PMs not to 'do anything stupid'.

A post on the spoof @Number10cat profile said: 'Plans are being made for how to announce my passing when that sad day comes.  My wish is to be stuffed and placed above a fireplace in Downing Street as a constant reminder that the inhabitants shouldn't do anything stupid.'

Downing Street Officials Draw Up Plans for the Death of Larry the Cat
Larry the Cat Larry the Cat Downing Street Chief Mouser Prime Minister Cat
Elena Kowalski
Elena Kowalski

Political Analyst

Analyzing political developments and policies worldwide.