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Joe Manchin Refuses to Endorse Kamala Harris for President: "Shame on Her," He Declares, Citing Filibuster as "Holy Grail of Democracy"

26 September, 2024 - 1:17AM
Joe Manchin Refuses to Endorse Kamala Harris for President: "Shame on Her," He Declares, Citing Filibuster as "Holy Grail of Democracy"

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (I-WV), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Mark Warner (D-VA) and Mike Braun (R-IN) introduced the Reassuring Economic Stability In Light of International, Economic, and Natural Conflicts and Emergencies (RESILIENCE) Act. The bipartisan legislation would require the U.S. Treasury Secretary and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to conduct annual examinations on the federal government’s ability to respond to hypothetical domestic and international fiscal shocks.

“This past July, our national debt exceeded $35 trillion for the first time in history. Make no mistake – this is the greatest threat America is facing,” Senator Manchin said. “I’m proud to introduce the RESILIENCE Act with my bipartisan colleagues to establish these critical, comprehensive annual examinations of our nation’s finances, which will better inform Congress and the American public on the most effective solutions for getting our fiscal house back in order. Every West Virginian and American is personally responsible for managing the debts they incur and the federal government must be held to the same standard for the sake of our children, grandchildren and the American Dream.”

“With the national debt at a staggering $35 trillion, our country is on the fast track to fiscal calamity,” said Senator Romney. “It’s not outside of the realm of possibility that a national or global event—such as a recession, armed conflict, or domestic energy crisis—would expedite that process and leave American families, businesses, and our country in economic peril. Better understanding the federal government’s abilities to respond to major, unanticipated economic events will equip us with needed insight to help proactively strengthen the United States’ resilience to potential fiscal shocks.”

“This common-sense legislation requires the federal government to conduct annual tests to ensure that our finances can withstand potentially catastrophic global events,” Senator Warner said. “It is our responsibility to ensure that we are not caught on our heels when responding to the next crisis, and this legislation would do just that.”

“Our nation’s fiscal health is in dire straits and the enormous national debt is the number one threat to our national security. The RESILIENCE Act would establish a thorough examination of our federal government’s finances, so we can reestablish fiscal discipline and make sure we are prepared for any domestic or international crisis,” said Senator Braun.

Specifically, this annual examination would assess the ability of the federal government to respond to the following events:

As it does already with the annual Financial Report of the United States Government, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) would conduct an independent review of the examination and relay its findings to Congress and the American public.

The full text of the RESILIENCE Act is available here.

Manchin Denounces Harris

West Virginia independent Senator Joe Manchin says he will not endorse Kamala Harris for president, after she reiterated her support for ending the Senate filibuster. Harris told Wisconsin Public Radio this week she would seek to lower the threshold to pass legislation from 60 senators to a simple majority of 51 in order to restore abortion rights lost when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. That prompted this response by Senator Manchin.

Sen. Joe Manchin: “Shame on her. Shame on her. She knows that the filibuster is the Holy Grail of democracy.”

Senator Joe Manchin previously joined Republicans to filibuster the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would have codified abortion rights into federal law.

The Filibuster’s Future

The filibuster, a procedural tactic that allows senators to hold up a vote on legislation, has been increasingly used in recent years, making it more difficult to pass laws, even those with broad public support. The filibuster has become a key battleground in the fight over abortion rights, with Democrats pushing to eliminate it in order to pass legislation codifying Roe v. Wade, and Republicans staunchly defending it.

Manchin’s stance against Harris comes as the Vice President said in an interview with Wisconsin Public Radio that she was in favor of bypassing the Senate’s filibuster rule if it was needed to protect abortion rights. A Senate filibuster is an attempt to delay or block a vote on a piece of legislation.

Manchin’s Arguments

In an interview with CNN, Manchin, who is a conservative in ideology, said, “She knows the filibuster is the holy grail of democracy. It's the only thing that keeps us talking and working together. If she gets rid of that, then this would be the House on steroids.”

Manchin said he would not endorse Harris as he was of the view that the elimination of filibusters would destroy the country. “My country is more important for me than any one person or any one person’s ideology,” he said.

Impact of Manchin’s Decision

Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris may be riding on the high of the strong impact she has created among voters ever since she replaced President Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket in late July. But she can’t count on the support of Sen. Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.), who was a Democrat until May this year and has since then registered as an independent, refused to endorse her.

Manchin’s decision is unlikely to have a significant impact on the presidential race, as West Virginia is a solidly red state. However, it is a sign of the deep divisions within the Democratic Party over the filibuster and the future of abortion rights.

The Future of the Filibuster

The future of the filibuster remains uncertain. The Senate has already dropped the 60-vote threshold for confirming judicial and executive branch nominees. However, Democrats have been unable to muster the necessary support to eliminate the filibuster for legislation. With Manchin’s opposition, it seems unlikely that Democrats will be able to do so in the near future.

Manchin is set to retire after his current term. Although an independent, he continues to caucus with Democrats. He had previously expressed his willingness to endorse Harris contingent on her stance on filibustering aligns with his.

Will the Filibuster Remain the “Holy Grail of Democracy”?

Only time will tell if the filibuster will continue to be a significant obstacle to passing legislation. The issue is likely to continue to be a major point of contention in the coming months and years, as the battle over abortion rights and other issues heats up. Whether the filibuster will continue to be the “Holy Grail of democracy,” as Manchin claims, remains to be seen.

Joe Manchin Refuses to Endorse Kamala Harris for President: "Shame on Her," He Declares, Citing Filibuster as "Holy Grail of Democracy"
Joe Manchin Refuses to Endorse Kamala Harris for President: "Shame on Her," He Declares, Citing Filibuster as "Holy Grail of Democracy"
Joe Manchin Joe Manchin Kamala Harris filibuster Abortion Rights Senate
Elena Kowalski
Elena Kowalski

Political Analyst

Analyzing political developments and policies worldwide.