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Three Penalty Points Can Increase Your Car Insurance by 10%: New Research

29 August, 2024 - 1:08AM
Three Penalty Points Can Increase Your Car Insurance by 10%: New Research

Penalty Points: A Costly Mistake for Motorists

Motorists are being warned that accumulating penalty points on their driving licenses can lead to a substantial increase in their car insurance premiums. This is particularly concerning as the cost of insurance is already a significant financial burden for many drivers.

The Impact of Penalty Points on Insurance

Research by Peopl Insurance has revealed a stark reality: having three penalty points on your license can increase your insurance premium by a significant 10%. This means that even a single driving offense, resulting in three points, could cost you hundreds of euros more each year.

The study found that the more penalty points a driver accumulates, the higher their insurance premium will be. A driver with ten points could face a premium that is twice as high as that of a driver with a clean license. This highlights the importance of safe driving and avoiding offenses that result in penalty points.

The Financial Implications of Driving Offences

The research used a hypothetical example of a 30-year-old driver of a 1.6-liter diesel Hyundai Tucson SUV with an address in Tullamore, Co Offaly, to illustrate the financial impact of penalty points. The cheapest insurance quote for this driver with no penalty points was €965. However, a driver with three points was quoted €1,061, while someone with ten penalty points was quoted €2,029.

These figures demonstrate the substantial financial burden that can be associated with driving offenses. It is clear that the cost of driving offenses extends far beyond the initial fine and can have long-term financial repercussions.

A Call for Safer Driving Habits

With road fatalities rising significantly in recent years, insurance companies are emphasizing the financial implications of penalty points as a means of deterring risky driving behavior. They are urging motorists to prioritize safe driving practices to avoid hefty fines and expensive insurance premiums.

“One phone call while driving could end up costing you 10pc more in motor insurance,” said Paul Walsh, spokesperson for Peopl. “More than half a million people (533,520) have penalty points on their licence, of which 492,244 have three penalty points or more.”

The Most Common Penalty Point Offenses

Some of the most common offenses that result in penalty points include:

  • Speeding: This is the most frequent cause of penalty points and carries a fine of €160.
  • Holding a mobile phone while driving: This offense carries a fine of €120 and is a significant contributor to road accidents.
  • Breaking a red light: This offense also carries a fine of €120 and poses a serious risk to road safety.
  • Driving as an unaccompanied learner driver: Learners who fail to display the required L or N plates will be fined €120.

The Severity of Driving Offences

It is crucial to understand that the severity of a driving offense and the associated penalty points can vary. For example, while a minor offense like parking illegally may result in only one penalty point, a serious offense like driving under the influence of alcohol could lead to multiple points and potentially a driving ban.

Long-Term Consequences of Driving Offenses

The consequences of driving offenses extend beyond immediate fines and penalty points. For drivers who accumulate 12 points within three years, they face automatic disqualification from driving. This can have a devastating impact on their lives, making it difficult to commute to work, attend social events, or even obtain essential goods and services.

Furthermore, even after a period of disqualification, drivers may find it challenging to secure insurance. Some insurers may refuse to quote drivers who have been disqualified within the last seven years, while others may only offer coverage to existing customers.

A Call to Action

The research findings serve as a stark reminder of the financial and social costs of driving offenses. Motorists must prioritize safe driving practices to protect themselves, their passengers, and other road users. It is time for all drivers to take responsibility for their actions on the road and make a concerted effort to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on our roads.

The Impact of Insurance Premiums on Drivers

The significant increase in insurance premiums associated with penalty points can have a profound impact on drivers, especially those who are already struggling financially. It can make it difficult to afford basic necessities and can lead to financial hardship.

A Plea for Safer Driving

“Unsafe driving can lead to lives being lost on Irish roads in a matter of seconds,” said Walsh. “There are too many people being killed and seriously injured on Irish roads and every driver has a responsibility to play their part in stopping the upward trend in road crashes and preventing any more families from going through the trauma and heartache of losing a loved one, or having a loved one seriously injured.”

It is essential that drivers prioritize safe driving practices and understand the serious consequences of driving offenses. By working together, we can create safer roads for all.

Understanding the Impact of Penalty Points

Insurance companies are making it clear that they are taking a tough stance on driving offenses. They are highlighting the financial consequences of accumulating penalty points to encourage drivers to adopt safer practices. By understanding the impact of these offenses on insurance premiums, drivers can make informed decisions that prioritize safety and responsible driving.

The Importance of Honesty with Insurers

It is crucial for drivers to be honest with their insurers about their driving history, including any penalty points they have accumulated. Providing false information can be considered insurance fraud and lead to severe consequences. Drivers are advised to declare any penalty points they have received within the past five years.

The Long-Term Impact of Penalty Points

It is important to note that penalty points remain on a driver’s license for four years, with more serious offenses potentially remaining for up to 11 years. This can impact insurance premiums for a significant period and serve as a constant reminder of past driving offenses.

The Importance of Safe Driving

Ultimately, the best way to avoid the financial and social consequences of driving offenses is to prioritize safe driving practices. By driving responsibly and avoiding risky behaviors, drivers can protect themselves and others from accidents, injuries, and the negative impact of penalty points on their insurance premiums.

Protecting Yourself and Others

Driving is a privilege, and it is important to remember that every driver has a responsibility to make safe choices on the road. By driving responsibly, we can create a safer environment for ourselves and others. Let’s all work together to make our roads safer and protect our communities from the tragic consequences of driving offenses.

Three Penalty Points Can Increase Your Car Insurance by 10%: New Research
Three Penalty Points Can Increase Your Car Insurance by 10%: New Research
Vehicle insurance Point system car insurance penalty points driving offences insurance premiums
Mohammed Al-Zahrani
Mohammed Al-Zahrani

Finance Expert

Providing insights into global financial markets.